I Love Japanese Gameshows

The title of this video is “Don’t laugh farting arm wrestling.” You’ve been warned.

“Don’t laugh” is actually the name of the TV program, but “Farting Arm Wrestling” bears explanation.

  1. Have your contestants strip down to loin-cloths.
  2. Have assistants use cans of compressed air (not computer duster (don’t try this at home, you fool)) to …um …”fill up” the contestants butts with air.
  3. Contestants must now arm-wrestle each other. Managing to win the arm-wrestle without farting counts as a win, while farting or losing the arm-wrestle each count as losing.
  4. Profit

One of the things I love about some of the more sadistically weird gameshows is how simple and yet completely over-the-top they are. Examples:

A group of people attempt to race/climb up a flight of extremely slippery “lotion stairs

The original Silent Library was a segment from a Japanese TV show

Dress up like insects, attempt to ride a scooter through a narrow passage

“Flash Mob” pranking comedians/actors on their way to work

As a side-note, I have seen all four of these on actual TV. These aren’t just Youtube relics, but are pretty representative of what happens on gameshows and prank shows over here. Good times.

About vomix

Vomix has been an elementary school teacher in Japan for several years. He likes kids, thinks education and educating are fascinating, and enjoys his job nearly as much as he enjoys his free time hobbies. Those hobbies involve playing guitar, travel, video games, cooking, and (apparently) writing.
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